Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Welcome and First HW

Greetings American Studies Scholars,
Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year.  We look forward to joining you on a productive and intellectually challenging journey.  The first step in this process and your first homework for this class is:

  1. Bring in an artifact that represents something important about you or things that are important to you.  In your notebook write a response that describes what you brought and why you brought it.
  2. Bring in a song that represents something about America (it does not necessarily need to use the word "America").  In your notebook write a response that states what song you chose, identifies the key lyrics, and describes what the song is saying about America.
Additionally, you will need to bring a notebook, pen, and binder everyday.  Further, looking ahead, the first books that you will need for this class are The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The American Reader.

Good luck!
Mr. Kramer and Mr. Rigler