Yesterday in class we continued our look at
Native Son by sharing our intial work on pages 1-42 with this
chart. We then followed that by using this
second chart to begin to make conclusions about how the topic of fear is represented in the novel. We created new "scenes" by combining important quotations.
Today in class we will be looking at the Harlem Renaissance by focusing on the works of Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston. We will also be examining these paintings by Archibold Motley and Jacob Lawrence. We will finish class by writing a
paragraph in which students will be asked to evaluate the Harlem Renaissance as a response to the Jim Crow Era. This paragraph is due tomorrow in class.
Here are the paintings we'll be looking at in class.
"Cocktails" by Archibald Motley |
"Nightlife" by Archibald Motley |
Migration Series: Panel #3 by Jacob Lawrence |