- 1st person (I, we) - protagonist
- 1st person - witness
- 1st person - reflective
- 2nd person (You)
- 3rd person (he / she / they) - omniscient (knows what each character is thinking and doing)
- 3rd person - objective (describes actions, not emotions)
- 3rd person - limited - story is focused through one character's awareness (like Huck)
We also noticed the stories are told in a variety of styles, using language in different ways, including:
- Teaching a lesson
- Formal
- Informal
- Imagine if...
- Emotional
- Description
- Memoir
- Poetry / Song
- Factual
- Reflective - looking back over time
- Dialogue
- Symbolic / Figurative
- Lists
- Detailed / expert language
We read chapter 3 - "Spin" - aloud. You chose one of the sections of that chapter and re-wrote it, using a different style and perspective.
Lastly, I had you generate a list of random memories. Then, you used this chart to write about them in a variety of different ways:
We closed by writing about this question: In what ways did writing about a memory in a variety of styles and perspectives shape your understanding of it? Now that you've written about it in these different ways, what do you now know that you didn't know before?