Today in class we heard summaries of the mini-debates from the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. We then watched the next section (from about 21 minutes to about 33 minutes) of the film Liberty (LINK). From there, we moved to the computer labs were we spent time working on Parts I and III of the document titled American Ideals and Interpretive Questions that is in your American Studies Lit-Hist folder. Students were responsible for turning in this work at the end of the period.
Homework for Friday is to begin our look at the Constitution itself. To do so, you will begin work on the Constitution Worksheet. For Friday, you should complete the questions about Article I (If you are celebrating the holiday, we encourage you to complete those tonight). In the coursepack, there are two links that will be very helpful for you, the Interactive Constitution as well as a transcript of the entire Constitution itself. Please print out the transcript of the Constitution to annotate and use in class.