We started class today with a look at 9/11 since we did not meet yesterday. We told the story of being in American Studies on that day 13 years ago and watching the TV coverage live with our class, including seeing the second plane hit and the towers fall.
We then shared some of the writing we asked your parents to do at the Open House last night. Since you do not have personal memories of that day, but were alive during it, we thought it would be powerful to collect the oral histories of those who remember that day, including where they were, what they experienced, and what it means to them. We will type those up and post them on the blog. We closed by asking you to reflect in your journal about what 9/11 means to you, as well as what it means to live in a post-9/11 world.
Our transition to The Great Gatsby asked you to make some personal conclusions about Jay Gatsby and one other character you select, including a moment in the book that shaped your opinion. In groups you shared those reflections. As a whole class we looked at several key moments in the final chapter, including the appearance of Gatsby's father and the final page.
We concluding by assigning the essay to you and showing you an example. Both of these can be found under the "Unit 1" tab above.