Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Semester 1 Final Exam Prep Work Day #2

For class today, you should have
  • Completed packet #1 
  • Brought all of your materials (handouts, books, novels, journals) from the semester.
  • Selected the two documents that you will use moving into step two.
However, many of you may be wondering how all of that information is going to come together. Thus, here is the FINAL ASSIGNMENT that we will go over in class today.

In order to prepare to complete each section of the final assignment, your next step is to complete a second packet, gathering evidence from the rest of the semester.
Again, be sure to copy this chart and create a new document, since you will be submitting this prep work as part of your exam.  As you go back into your materials to find the examples you will be connecting to the main documents you selected, remember the work you did last night in your journals.  That should guide you to the materials to look at to pull the examples you will be using. Also, as you search, keep in mind the requirements of using materials from both columns in each unit.  The packet requires you to find more evidence then you will ultimately use but part of your task will be to select the best evidence moving forward.

Homework for Friday is to complete packet #2 and begin outlining and drafting your paragraphs.