Today we started the project that will end our unit on Civil Rights and Native Son.
Here is a link to the assignment handout.
For tonight, your task is to collect 6 quotations from the unit. You will write these out on note cards.
Here are the different sources we used:
- Plessy vs. Ferguson
- Jim Crow web activity
- Booker T Washington
- W.E.B. DuBois
- "Without Sanctuary"
- Harlem Renaissance
- Zora Neale Hurston
- Langston Hughes (essay and poetry)
- Brown vs. Board of Education
- Emmett Till (In the Time of Our Singing)
- Little Rock 9
- Nashville sit-ins
- SNCC articlee
- Birmingham
- "Letter from Birmingham Jail"
- "I Have a Dream"
- John Lewish speeches
- Selma
- Song lyrics (played in class)
- Malcolm X
- Native Son